1 week later...

We did it
Neve Aisling Dawes
7lbs 7ounces
Friday September 22 2006 12:52pm
and what an adventure it was. I think Paul gives the best succinct description of the event:
Hi all,
sorry for the delay but the last three days have flown by. On 9/22/06 (Friday) Janie gave birth to our new baby daughter: Neve Aisling Dawes (irish names, pronounced Neev ASHling)
Neve was 7 lbs, 7 oz and 19.5 inches at birth. Both mom and daughter are doing great. Janie went into labor Thu night (21st) immediately following her celebratory birthday dinner in Half Moon Bay. We were just finishing when she leaned over and told me, "We've got to go". I said, "No problem, I'm just finishing paying," when she said more urgently, "No, I mean to the hospital. Now!"
I had taken a driving course earlier in the year, and so we made it from the restaurant to Sequoia hospital in a very short amount of time. Janie says I was trying to get pulled over to use the 'get out of jail free--my wife's having a baby' card. No luck, and then Janie was in labor for another 12+ hours before Neve decided to show at 12:52 PM on Friday.
So anyway, the whole family is doing great, and the kids are thrilled with the newest addition. Grayson was even OK when we told him Neve was a girl (and not the brother he was hoping for). He just grinned and wanted to hold her in his lap. "Dad," he said, "Now we're really outnumbered (4 girls to 2 boys)"
the only thing I have to add is what an amazing job Paul did driving back and forth managing me at the hospital and the three kids at home, guess those driving lessons really did pay for themselves afterall :-).
All is well, almost 1 week after her grand entrance we are slowly getting things back on schedule and the kids enjoying all the gifts, flowers, balloons exclaim that having a baby is like "having a bonus Christmas". So much so that they are already trying to prime Paul and I for having another (sorry kids out of luck on this one).
The newest princess beckons, so until next time...