Friends, Family, Countrymen!
I hope this newsletter finds everyone in good health and spirit.
It has been a green year for us here in Woodside (in spite of not seeing Gore’s inspiring film). Besides the usual living off solar, recycling, using biodiesel, composting and avoiding paper napkins and towels we have decided to forgo sending out the traditional holiday card and newsletter. [translate: too busy to print pictures, address cards, sign cards and send them]
As everyone can imagine life with 4 kids, A Dad running a start-up (www.icontrol.com
The kids are fantastic (but what parent doesn’t think that).
Grayson (VII) is progressing in Taekwondo and finally gotten into the groove. He has also discovered Nintendo Ds and would give everything he owns to be able to have free access to play it. He continues to be Mom’s big helper and is particularly great at negotiating. Favorite subjects in school are History, Science and Math in that order.
Eme (V) has become an amazing strong swimmer. She is easily inspired and motivated by doing whatever she needs to do to be Grayson’s best friend. She still loves kitties and longs more than anything for a black kitten. We recently finished reading “Wrinkle in Time” and she now goes by the name “Meg”. Her favorite subjects are all of them except Music.
Anna (III) also is swimming and loves to experience water any way she can. She has become my keeper of the rules and loves to tell every and anyone what to do and what not to do and why. Animals are Anna’s passion and she can often be found carrying around some new found insect or heavy into playing vet. She has become as much a part of the home schooling as the other kids and gets upset if I forget to call on her for an answer... Favorite subject: Lunch time.
Neve (I) is taking swimming as well, but has decided that backstroke is the only way to go, apparently getting her face wet is not for her. She is incredibly verbal (in both English and Spanish), amazingly persistent, very animated, extremely independent and wonderfully capable– I guess all the things you expect from a 4th child. Her favorite subjects: Music and Art.
I (XXXVI) am ridiculously happy with the schooling stuff and feel like I have really found my place. Not that it isn’t with it frustrations, but how cool is it to be able to go back to 1st grade in school as an adult? I have taught (learned) all about Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Ancient India. I am finally able to read music (something I never was able to master as a kid), and I have learned about dozens of artists. I now know that there are 5 different ways to make the long ‘a’ sound, and what they are. And I have access to a great selection of stories to read the kids. Let’s not forget I know how to make thunder and lightening with a balloon and tin foil and know why if you cut open a hail stones there are layers inside. All this (plus tons more) and we only been at it since January!
Paul (XLII) is crazy busy working at iControl. He is traveling often, and working insane hours but glad to be in a position where he feels like he is making a difference. They should be closing their Series B fund raising sometime this week and hopefully Paul will be able to take a deep breath until the next round :-). He has managed to sneak in a couple heli-skiing trips so you can’t feel too bad for him...
Not pictured: Ramsey our loyal dog, Riley the beautiful but lazy cat, Tiger our resident rodent controller cat, Mr. B and Poncho our poor under ridden horses, Donovan the goldfish (aka known as Looky, Boo, and a dozen other names depending on the week). The last but not least Zeus the 2 week old baby pygmy goat that was abandoned in a box on our driveway the weekend after Easter.
Hope to catch up with everyone soon and so proud that I was able to get this sent out before April 2!
All our Best!
The Dawes Family, Woodside (Paul, Janie, Grayson, Eme, Anna, and Neve)
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