Neve's First Haircut

Okay not exactly like I had planned her first real haircut to go....
While busily trying to get next weeks school work together for Gray and Eme, Anna casually asked me if I would cut her hair today. I said sure, but give me a few minutes. Unbeknownst to me she had already made the executive decision to give Neve a haircut - "because she asked me to".
Neve walks over, I take a double take, oh my gosh!
In my mind is how do I broach this with Anna without hurting her feelings (she really did think she was being helpful, plus such resourcefulness!) However my baby's hair has been butched. Torn between tears and laughter, thoughts of how in the heck am I going to fix this.
I bring Paul into the equation. All he can do is laugh. But he does help me make the new executive decision to go for a pixie. A quick google search and I have my inspiration (think Katie Holmes and Posh Spice). About 15 minutes with the sissors and we have the new improved Neve.
I realize that although years ago we had the "only grown-ups get to give haircuts" talk to Grayson and Eme, Anna and Neve missed out on that conversation. whoops my bad.
Well I'd better go prime all the pink clothes in Neve's size as I have a feeling we are going to need them for the next year or so until the hair grows back, otherwise everyone might think we have 2 boys and 2 girls....sigh