1 month later...

Well we have survived the first month. Actually I am happy to report there have been many more "wow this is pretty easy" than "holy cow what were we thinking" moments.
Neve is thriving in spite of catching her first cold. As of last thursday she topped 10lbs on the scale (up from the 6.5 when we left the hospital) and measures at 22.5 inches (up from the 19 at birth). She has graduated to size one diapers and size 3-6 month old clothing. So far, as she is only 5 weeks old, she's pretty routine. From 5-8 each day she is awake and then sleeps until 11 and then up again at 3, and most of the times goes right back to sleep - though we have had a couple 3am two hour parties. Ironically with all the colds we've been battling in the last week Neve seems to be the only one actually sleeping.
As for her siblings they appear to be doing well, albiet very tired from many long nights of coughing. Grayson happily goes to school each morning, and spontaneously both of his teachers have made a point to tell me what a pleasure it is to have him in their class (wow did that make my day). He is so excited about halloween coming, he's going as a vampire.
Eme is maturing all the time. We are finally starting to see some improvement with her anger. In the past Eme, when frustrated or angry would physically attack, then follow up with a verbal "I hate ...". Now she is holding back with the hitting and resorting to the verbal, and even this sometimes is being replaced with "So and So is making me so mad". Ah what improvement. She also has really taken a complete facination with baby Neve. Eme is constantly petting her, wants to help in any way possible and tells everyone she meets that she loves her new baby sister and isn't the least bit jealous. She is going as a cat for halloween (not a big surprise for those that know Eme)
Anna continues to be the easiest most affectionate while simultanously being the most stubbon tantrum prone child. She has recently learned the power of the pouty silent tears and now instead of screaming and carrying on will lay her head on her arms and quietly sob - possibly the most difficult thing in the world to refuse. But as she goes to sleep each night she whispers "I love you mommy" and manages to wipe the slate clean each night. Anna really wants to be jealous of Neve, but isn't sure how to go about it. Since Grayson and Eme are so enchanted with Neve, Anna in true younger sibling form feels she needs to do the same. However she has begun to ask very politely if Daddy can hold Nevie, and in the off moment when someone else is holding Neve, Anna immediately climbs into my lap. I am rather proud of how well she is taking the whole thing. For Halloween she is going as a baby bunny, one of her current favorites and she pretty much lives in the leotard costume night and day.
One of the best things we have discovered with all the chaos is "bounce time". When the kids are at there worse with the taunting, tantrums, etc. I can send them outside to the trampoline and tell them they need to bounce for so many minutes. It's amazing how well this works and they always come back inside feeling so much better and under control. Guess we'll have to figure out something different when the rain starts.
Any way life goes on and it's really hard to believe that we have 4 kids, but I think it is safe to say we are done in the kid department as I can't imagine having the energy or time for any more!
until next month....