Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Calgon take me away...

This afternoon I had one of those days...

One of those days when I fondly(?) was able to conjure up the old Calgon ad from when I was a child. At an age when I really didn't get the ad, but it stuck with me anyway - and who said tv doesn't influence children?

Grayson has decided preschool isn't for him, I can't really blame him. His best friend is on vacation, and he doesn't really care for the only other two boys in the school. After much worry if we are teaching him right or wrong by forcing him or conversely caving in by letting him stay home, I came to a realization. This is preschool, and one that is basically free play from 9-1. If he doesn't want to play, he shouldn't have to. School,Kindergarten to be exact, next year is different. Play is only one small aspect of it, therefore the rest of it is not optional. Grayson got to stay with mom, albiet with the promise, much like a sick day, there will be no playdates. And quite to my surprise instead of jumping on the get out of jail free pass, he actually asked to think about it for awhile before he decided to remain at home.

School days are my errand days, afterall I only have 2 out of 3 kids with me. With our trip to Tahoe this weekend arriving quickly, I don't have too many days between now and then to get it all done. So Grayson promised me that he would be on his best behavior and help me, and I have to admit he was a perfect saint. We went to the book store, and he not only kept tabs on Anna but immediately jumped in to smooth down her ruffled feathers at every opportunity that arose (and believe me that is a lot!). I actually had many commments/compliments how endearing it was to see how much he cared and helped with his sisters. I couldn't have been prouder.

Last stop the auto part store, to pick up some new wiper blades and maybe some sort of ultrapowerful odor neutralizer to kill the smell of mouse habitaion in my car (ugh! and double ugh! being pregnant and sensitive to smells). Of course all was well until we got to the car and Anna started freaking out about "baby" - her tiny red plastic dinosaur, that for some reason we only have one of, while we seem to have duplicates if not triplicates of every other one. Best I could ascertain, baby was left in the store (she isn't quite 2 afterall communication is rough at best). I rummage through the store, no luck. End of game in Anna's world. She was tired, hungry, almost 2, and unconsolable. Time to drive and hope like I have never before that maybe baby fell between the seats, or maybe there is one close enough at home to substitute, or least likely maybe just maybe she would forget.

On the way home, Anna thankfully fell asleep. She had no nap yesterday (I was trying to cheat on resetting her daylight savings time clock and getting her to bed early) and alas she only slept 35 minutes today - as everyone out there that has parented an almost 2 year old, this just isn't enough. And a recipe for disaster.

We limped through the afternoon with Grayson and Eme blissfully making yet another thousand and one tiny toy set up - again another plug for why children shouldn't watch tv. While Anna screamed with frustration every moment possible and periodicaly asking for "baby".

Time for TaeKwanDo, and Eme's first day she gets to join Grayson's class as she is now almost 4 and has been begging every day since Grayson first started back in Feb. Given Eme's track record of severe separation anxiety and unwilliness to overly exert herself I wasn't sure what to expect, but knew that I wouldn't be able to "pop" over to the grocery store for our weekly grocery trip while Grayson was in class, so I thought maybe we could leave here a little early and get it in before TKD. Probably not the wisest of ideas with Anna's current state of mind, but hey I am pregnant and blame my lapse in good judgement on that!

So, thankfully I only had a "few" (less that 5 bags) groceries to pick up. All was reasonable well, we were in the last isle heading towards the check-out when Anna suddenly remembered that at that end of the store they have "child" size shopping carts (cute, but really a parents worse nightmare). So she make a beeline towards them, alas they are stuck together, she screams (and by scream I mean ear piercing higher octave than anything Maria Carey can hit). Grayson and Eme immediately head off to investigate and decide hey what a great idea, shopping carts - and they are able to get them apart. Alas there are only two carts, three kids. I naively think I can distract Anna until I am able to either A)get through the check-out or B) negotiate with one of the other kids to let Anna have her rightful turn(as it was her idea). Bad idea. Imagine the tantrum that ensued. Mistake #? (whose counting anyway) I put Anna down as I am trying to smile and pretend that things really are under control. Grayson and Eme decided that running away with the carts playing "chase" with Anna would be a lot of fun. She takes the bait and runs off screaming at the top of her lungs. Thankfully the employees at this local market know me and the kids well and know this is highly unusual behavior, so they were able to offer the sympathetic "wow I can't believe this is happening to you". However the customers weren't so forgiving. I had to deal with one man's "someone please take those children out of this store now!" and a group of young women's "wow I will never have children that act like that". I thanked both parties for there helpful support (okay a little bitchy, but hey did I mention that I am pregnant?).

Finally a couple employees helped end the mayhem by bribing the kids with a balloon. Ahhh, now I remember why I shop at this store.

Then we get to TKD (we still haven't been there yet). Grayson takes Eme under his wing and both are happy clams participating together. Anna, again is unconsolable now instead of just screaming, it's screaming "me!" over and over as she just doesn't understand why Eme but she doesn't get to participate. Usually the class on Wednesday only has Grayson his friend Connor and one other boy, and with Connor on vacation I thought things would be okay. Not so today. There were an additional three kids there today (and this is not a big space, and respectfully is generally very quiet). One girl finally stated outloud to the teacher (while staring at Anna) that she just couldn't concentrate with all the noise going on. Boy now I was getting critized by a 7 year old girl!

(it's funny in writing this it doesn't sound all that bad, but as I happen to be one of those parents that feels my parenting is reflected in my children't behavior, okay I know I shouldn't but there it is, I was feeling amazingly embarassed, and humilated that I couldn't control my under 2, and here I am again pregnant, what am I thinking!)

After we walked over to pizza and again endured Anna's screaming, many stares, and this is when I conjured up my childhood images from daytime tv.

We made it, off to home we go, oh but wait we get to the car (a good block away from the restaraunt) to realize that we have forgotten Anna's balloon. I am not making this mistake twice in one day (see "baby" above). However it seems this time the stars are aligned in my favor. There happens to pull out a car right in front as I drive up with a screaming Anna in the back and Grayson saying "I told you should have left the balloon in the car" (as he and Eme so wisely did). I park, lock the doors walk to the front door just as the employee carrying the balloon walks out to meet me. And I turn around to see the biggest smile and all faith resored on Anna's face.

Ah tomorrow's a new day, tonight I am headed for the bath....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Janie!!! Can I picture how the entire day went. Ah, the terrible 2's.... but you will survive. But I can feel your throbbing head, even though you didn't mention it. How is it, children always know when you are at you're most vulnerable state? Hopefully, time will pass quickly through this stage. But in the mean time, know I feel your pain and fustration..... Remember,
this too will pass and sometimes you just can't win, no matter what you do.
With love & hugs....Jill

11:22 PM  

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