The Zoo and irrational/rational fears
So this week we had the pleasure of having my Aunt Jill come for a visit. The kids adore her, and all the attention she brings (and of course all the goodies), and I always welcome the adult conversation. On Tuesday we decided to visit the SF zoo. We are members but haven't been since Feb.
Eme, the poor thing was so tired that she ended up falling asleep in the car on the way there. I transferred her to the stroller, had Anna in the Ergo (back pack) and Grayson was on foot. Grayson was soooo excited about going to the zoo. Probably the first time that he really got into it. He decided it was really important to go see the Gorillas and the Polar Bears, (of course they are on opposite sides of the park!)
We saw the gorillas first, but they really weren't that visible - and Grayson was a little bit disappointed. He looked at the pictures on the signs and asked me some questions (why do they pound on their chests, etc) Then he pointed to one picture and said, I think when they do this - he gestured the same as the picture, they are trying to say they are bored. I thought this was very clever and I was really proud that he was associating signs with Gorillas, like KoKo. He went on to say that someday he will work at the zoo with the Gorillas and talk with them in sign and I will come visit him, no wait work with him (along with Great Aunt Jill, Eme and Anna). I really love this age when they still really envision having me a part of every moment of their life forever.
Then it was off to the Polar Bears. Of course along the way we saw many other animals. A favorite was the grizzly bears. They were playing and very entertaining - which of course made the Polar Bears laying around look a little boring in comparison. However Grayson didn't mind and spent most of the rest of the day pretending he was a Polar Bear, and I was the zoo keeper. At lunch we ate "seal intestines" (mac& cheese) and seal skin (pb& j). Eme of course having to get in on the game was a Meerkat, and was eating "grass".
We then managed to make it to the feeding of the Lions, and had front row seats to boot. Apparently twice a week for their daily feeding they get whole rabbits to eat. I wasn't sure how this would go over but warned G & E and went with it. Well Grayson was beyond fascinated, Eme was interested as well but much more concerned about the little girl next to her touching her. I asked Grayson if he had any questions. He asked what the crunching noise was (bones). He stayed there until the last crumbs were gone, we couldn't pry him away. That's my little budding scientist :-)
Last stop the Meerkats in the children's zoo (Eme's choice). The prairie dogs were actually more impressive as the Meerkats all seemed to be below ground sleeping. Eme was happy though and off we went to the petting zoo.
I have failed to mention Anna during all this. She had a great time. She has a sign for bird, and was so proud to use it every time she saw a bird (which is all the time with the gulls, pidgeons, peacocks, etc) She also loved pointing to and watching the animals. It was fun to see how animated she was and how much fun she was having. I thought she would get a real kick out of the goats and such that she could actually touch.
So the petting zoo... Grayson and Eme tried to feed the goats, but the animals were friskier than usual, Grayson and Eme decided that feeding wasn't for them. Anna was pretty into it, and then she saw a goose. I am sure she thought this is her big chance to chase and get close to a bird. Well the goose had a different idea. At first it just seemed interested then as Anna got closer (I was holding her hand) the goose clearly saw she didn't have any food, and they were about the same size, so the goose started honking, hissing and lunging (as we all know geese do). I was right next to Anna, and didn't see any immediate danger, yet I was waiting to see how she would receive this (we were about an arms length away thorough a fence). I was sure she would laugh (like she does when the cats hiss at her). She was frozen, and then started to convulse with fear (literally shaking violently). Then came the big wails. Of course by this time I had already scooped her up and was comforting her. She was distraught. She settled okay but really lost interest in birds after that (hope I haven't done anything permanent!)
Anyway where this very drawn out story is going, is that night and last night as well, Anna has slept abysmally! I can't help but wonder if she was reliving the goose moment and or having nightmares? Isn't she a little young? But I really can't attribute it to anything else. When she normally wakes at night, she sort of whines and complains, but the last two night she has awoken full out wailing and crying. I feel so terrible (not to mention exhausted!)
All in all it was kind of funny, but poor thing I hope she doesn't grow up to be some kind of goose hater (although would that be such a bad thing :-))!
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