Friday, June 10, 2005

great vocabulary, etal

So Paul reports to me that in conversation today Grayson actually used the word "bizzare" . We have been constantly amazed on the vocabuarly our kids have. From words like "miserable" to Eme playing her word game and started singing "I am a mouse and I like to crouse" (whatever that means) it makes us laugh.

On a second topic, their pretend play is amazing. They constantly slip in and out of character, and ask "remember who I am?" if we happen to call them by their given name. Today Grayson spent a good 30 minutes crawling around on the floor because he was a "drragonlizard", a character that Paul made up in his on going story that he has been telling Grayson. Eme often says she's the same as Grayson (which amazingly doesn't bother him), but she also will spend time being her own "characters" as well. Today she was mostly "pickles". a cat from a book I read to her at the doctor's office.

Anna, shunned her second nap today and poor thing fell asleep in Paul's arms as I was preparing dinner. She is really starting to let go when it comes to walking, especially if what she wants is only one or two steps away.

Life is good and all is well


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